Doing all those jobs we never had time for
I’ll leave you to guess what it is I’m doing in this blip.
The effect of the antibiotics is incredible. I’ve had 7 of the 28 course and the foot is so much better. I was able to do today’s chores and go out for a walk.
Thank you for all your kind messages. In different circumstances I would be back to the doctors to find out why I’ve had two bouts of cellulitis in the last 6 weeks.
We were woken by Doreen at 1.00am this morning who thought we’d called her. It’s happened before only previously it was midnight. Turns out that the alarm setting on her phone had been turned on and the time setting was 00.00. We’d put the clocks forward last weekend but the phone clock still had the old time! The alarm has now been deactivated. I’m sure I’ve deactivated in the past too.
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