Imperial fritillary

We planted these bulbs in November 2017, along with a whole lot of alliums.  The alliums have done very well, but although I have noticed the leaves each spring of what I believed were the fritillary, I've never previously seen any attempt at flowering.

Currently just the one, but maybe there's hope for the others?

Apart from getting into our office reasonably early to exercise, we've had a fairly slow day - neither of us had a great deal of get up and go.  W made some bread rolls, and then pottered in the polytunnel for a while.  I downloaded an app to go with my new cycle, and also downloaded the Zoom app, as I will need it in a couple of weeks for a flute lesson.  I did bring in some washing that I accidentally left out overnight, and have had to put two pairs of trousers back in the wash, as the birds have had 24hrs of target practice. 

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