First, don your gloves
Wild foraging has been fashionable for a few years now but in the past few weeks of quarantine and self-isolation ii's acquired new popularity as folk start to notice the plant and flowers growing in their back garden or along their exercise routes. Social media foraging groups are flooded with photos and queries of "What is it and can I eat it?" as people begin to pay attention to the natural world around them, or seek to enrich their diet or extend their culinary repertoire.
("So what's new?" I hear my old Russian history teacher remark with a chuckle." I for one have been raiding the wild larder all my life, carrying on from where my parents left off in wartime Wales.)
Anyway, this recipe popped up and took my fancy straight away:
Le Cake Orties/Carottes/Citron, Nettle Cake with Carrot and Lemon.
It's in French but if you google there are English versions. I doubt they could be any better than this one though even if it does look a bit like camouflage gear, the proportion of nettle leaves to cake mix being quite high. I promise they don't sting once the cake is baked.
Another idea for the Lockdown Larder.
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