
By BabyDriver

Imprisonment - Day 10

Imprisonment - Day ten
Tuesday 31st March 2020
Cars - 22
Motorbikes - 0
Bikes - 2
Dog walkers - 2
Walkers - 0
Runners - 2
Horses - 0
Horse walkers - 0
Molehills - 0
Trailer loads of wood - 2

Well I've cycled 248.00 miles this month which not surprisingly is 96.17 miles up on last year.
When I cycled down the drive this morning I could see there were no new molehills which is a good sign that I may have caught one.
The sheep watched with interest as I made my routine trap inspection trap one had been set off and clogged with earth as was trap two. Trap three on the otherhand had been set off and bingo I'd got 'im. How such a cute little critter can make such a mess of lawns and fields. I don't know. They must be so strong to shift so much earth let alone dig through solid ground. Now there are a lot of old wives tales about moles one of which is that a labour only has one digger. My past experience after catching seven of the little devil's tells me that the other none diggers are easy prey as they do not clog the traps with the gooey earth.
Log cutting was slow today with only two trailer loads. The problem has been that I'm cutting up seasoned oak logs which have been left for at least ten years. I've also cut up cherry holly and larch all of which are nearly as tough to cut. I have had to reharpen the chain a good half a dozen times. Infact I think I'll have to fit a new one tomorrow as there's not much left to sharpen.
In the evening I called O2 again as my number still has not been transfered only to find they are closed. I can't believe that a communication company is closed with no one working from home.
We spoke to Ashley by phone this evening who told us he'd set up a 70 attendee conference call to his work force. If he can do this and O2 are closed "come on".

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