April Foolery

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Trousers are a thing of the past. Just so you know. I've been in pyjama bottoms constantly for the past 2 weeks now. And I am comfortable with this. 

In fact, when normality returns I might have to continue wearing pyjamas under my regular clothes. It is perhaps the only way. 

But I'm not smelly. I'm not a stinker. I change the pyjama bottoms often. As a result, I'm outpacing the laundry and today I ran out. 

If you are picturing me running around in knickers, then good shout. But no, I have not reached that point yet. However, today I had to wear the pyjama bottoms with the holes in the pockets. 

Both pockets have huge holes, which is why they are at the bottom of my pyjama rotation. But hey, beggars can't be choosers. And so I pottered around in them all day. Including when I took Jasper out into the back garden in them. 

I put on my Havianas* to take escort Jasper out, but was a bit unco about it and immediately fell off them. 

Caro just about shat herself laughing. "How can you fall off effing HAVIANAS??"

She loves stuff like that. It wouldn't have been so bad, but later on the same day, I managed to trip over a slipper, crashed into a shelving unit and nearly took out a lamp.

"What the eff is WRONG with you?" asked Caro. 

I tried to redeem myself by telling Caro I was going up to the garage to bring down some of our shopping from earlier in the week. This was the non-perishable stuff that I could leave up there to decontaminate without having to wash it. I told her I could take a picture of it, and she could tell me the items she might like me to bring down.

(See picture above).

To enable the picture-taking, I picked up my phone and slipped it into my pocket. Which immediately slipped down my leg and fell on the carpet. 


So I took myself upstairs to get away from the humiliation. Fortunately, Caro did not see me also put my keys in my pocket - straight on the floor. She also missed me slipping some chocolate bars into my pockets. Directly onto the floor. 

Honestly. I do hope some clean pyjamas come out of the washer soon. I'm going to be dropping things down my pant leg all week. 


* A brand of jandal, very popular here in NZ. I don't know why it is important to wear Havianas, but apparently it is. So I do.

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