Random Andom

By RandomAndom

Day 25: A Fishy Day

I've been at the store in Aberdeen for a week now. I've still got a long way to go and a lot to learn, but the team seem pretty decent. For the most part.
There's one guy I've yet to meet.
He was meant to be in at 8am on momday, he called at 9:30am to say he was ill. He wasn't heard from again until Wednesday when he said he was snowed in.
And on Friday he didn't show up at all. I called him 13 times and then text him saying he MUST contact me asap. He text me around 1:30 saying he will not be in as he had a "family emergency" I called him immediatly but he didn't answer. He did say he will be back on Monday and looks forward to meeting me.

He really shouldn't.

The whole situation sounds a bit fishy to me.

Also I had fish for tea, which was lovely.

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