The Cat Laid on the Burning Deck

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I spent a lot of time outside with Jasper today. Mainly, I was keeping an eye on him and making sure he did not get into trouble. But also it was really nice out there, with the sun beating down on the deck. 

Jasper laid flat out, soaking up the warmth. And I think he enjoyed it that I was there with him. He came and laid next to me as I tick-tacked away on my laptop. 

It is quite a nice way of working. Although I did come in to find that I had been eaten by sodding insects. Little bastards.

In the evening, I hosted a "watch party" which is now quite the thing what with social distancing and all. Tiger, Joshua and I watched "They Call Me Trinity" and it went down very well as expected. They've asked me to come up with suggestions for another one. 

I was thinking "Shaolin Soccer" and it goes without saying that if any one of you does not mind New Zealand times, then you are more than welcome to join us.

Caro very sensibly stayed away from both of my major activities of the day. Although you can see her in one of the extras, playing with Jasper. For the most part she was far too busy applying for subsidies and such. She is the practical one. I am far too busy tick-tacking.


p.s. I just looked up "The Boy Stood on the Burning Deck" because it is just one of those things I grew up with, but only knowing it from comedians taking the piss. I seem to recall Tony Hancock doing it, for example. 

However, my favourite parody was by Eric Morecambe:

The boy stood on the burning deck
His lips were all a-quiver
He gave a cough, his leg fell off
And floated down the river.

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