Thank Goodness for Daffodils

A breezy day, with some sunny spells in the morning.  A dull afternoon and evening, with showers too.

Up early, and off to work in the living room again.  Spent most of the day scanning photos.  I headed out into the garden at lunchtime, and my flatworm traps are working.  I caught another 4 worms, and exterminated.  A quiet evening by the fire.  Another two new cases of Coronavirus, taking us up to 29 now.  Also heard it's confirmed in neighbouring isles, Orkney.  This really is the worst thing most of us have seen, so sad for so many.

Me and Sammy headed out walkies this morning, although it was a bit too early for his liking.  It was fine to get a bit of sunshine, but what has been better lately, is the colour coming back to the isles, and starting to see more and more daffodils.  They always cheer me up, but even more so this year.  It was a bit tricky getting a photo, as they were blowing around in the wind.  Taken on Castle Street, Scalloway.  

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