Mono Monday: Week 323 .....
.... point ... to the sky!
As I was sitting in the sunroom doorway photographing whatever decided to come around I was lucky enough to have these beautiful common grackles do just that.
And then they pointed their very pointy beaks into the air. I suspect that the grackle on the left is a male and this is some sort of courting ritual as right after this he puffed himself up something fierce! Trying to impress his girl .... I know I was quite impressed! These grackles are much better seen in full color.
I have added an extra of a cute little chippy that greeted my as I came out to the sunroom. This was shot through the glass door. I didn't have the heart to convert him to mono as he's so much cuter in color.
COVID-19 by the numbers (as of 1:15 PM today):
Positive cases in Pennsylvania - 4,087
Negative cases in Pennsylvania - 33,777
Number of deaths in Pennsylvania - 48
Cases in Northampton County - 184 (5 deaths)
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