Hands On

Finding all this extra hand washing or the plastic gloves l wear when doing Mr P s personal care is giving me eczema on the back of my hands, especially across the knuckles.
So l am using more handcream  to try and alleviate it.
Thought l would add my nail brush for Tiny Tuesday.
Thank you to Jensphotos for hosting.
Also added an extra of Kitty who has attempted today’s challenge from her headmaster to remake a masterpiece. Not my photograph, so l’m not using it for my main. Thanks Rebecca.
I thought it might make you smile, especially Mary Queen of Scot’s ruff.
No toilet rolls were harmed in the making of this blip- they are too precious. :-))
See it’s also a challenge on Blip so l will try and find the tag.
Thank you for all the stars and hearts x

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