Though Near or Far


Feed the Birds, Tuppence a Bag

Our neighbor has been feeding the geese outside his back porch and now they have decided to take up occupancy in our pond. I for one, am not a fan of any birds. I find them all dirty w their droppings every where, plus full of germs and bacteria. There is also 1 goose out of the bunch that's obnoxious. He runs around honking loudly at all the other geese all day and steals food like a bully.

Today, Langan and I decided that we were going to be nice and feed bread to the geese. When we 1st walked out, they were no where near us. We walked until we were about 20 ft away from them. It didn't all go according to my plan. I reach into my bag to get a piece of bread. There is this hush and all the geese are looking right at Langan and me to see what our next move is. I throw a few pieces into the air and before it hits the ground, they went NUTS and charged towards us. I'm sure some lucky person got a better picture of me running w Langan strapped to my chest from the geese. Here is one from our angle as we were getting backed into a tree.

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