Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Sunning myself

Its fathers day here, so its a National holiday and everywhere is closed, so its gardening day for me. I have a Chuffero plant and it was covered in greenfly, so I decided to do some serious pruning, as the wasps where becoming a nuisance feeding on the sticky residue the greenfly leave behind. Anyway out popped this little fellow, he must have been sheltering in the plant throughout the winter, he was very patient whilst I clicked away with the camera.

The garden is now all spruced up, have repotted quite a few of the existing plants and I went to the garden centre yesterday and bought several new plants and they are now all in place, hopefully they will all take.

I had just watered some of the plants and noticed this little blob of water in the middle of this plant.

I've also put a link to the Costa del Sol holiday. The photo of the plant was taken from our apartment balcony looking down on it. The funny face is actually a stalagmite, we went to the caves at Nerja which have huge stalagmite and stalagtite formations, unfortunately flash photography was not allowed and this was the best I could get. The aquaduct picture was taken very quickly as there was no where on the road to pull over to take a better photo.

The others show me in the pool doing my scuba lesson, must do something about the bingo wings. The lights are in the Indian restaurant which belongs to a friend of ours who used to own an Italian restuarant, he sold that went travelling round the world, came back to Spain, got bored and opened up a successful Indian restaurant. One taken from the balcony of the golf course just before we set off to play, lovely course but very expensive. The one of the horse and trap was taken in Nerja town, can you spot the wiring above the horses head, health and safety, I don't think so!


funny face


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