Another Pot

Made by the Hopi Indians whose reservation is on the south rim of the Grand Canyon.

I nipped out to get some fruit & veg and a couple of other things.
There was no queuing (inside or out) and the shelves seemed pretty well stocked.
I still managed to forget half the fruit.

We had a nice chat with the grandkids down south (and their Mum). Bunny was loving showing off how she can stand up from sitting all by herself...… albeit like a drunk - but it is her new trick and she loves it.

I went out for a bit of a walk this evening and came across some weird offering.
I stood and watched a heron in the stream for a bit but didn't have a suitable lens on the camera to get a decent shot.
Towards the end of the walk I stood watching the sunset at the station but the rainbow didn't develop into anything.

There is something about the current health scare that renders people either deaf or dumb - I am not sur which - because saying "good evening" to anyone that you may see elicits absolutely no response whatsoever.
So much for the 'Be kind - help others' attitude the government is pushing.

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