Friday Foto

By drmackem

Some like it hot?

The miseducation of.....

A Photo
Over the local hospital wards, 
looking bleak, 
beneath the surface are angels, 
at work.

A Muse
After an afternoon at work in the hospital arrived home for zoom exercise class....
I attended M's in the real world class until 8 months ago before  she went on maternity leave. She has decided to make sure we don't slacken in the current lockdown so 20 of us today zoomed with M.

She said 3 things to me dispersed through the session
"A - I've seen worse"

"A - Not as bad as Friday"

and after we'd finished
"A are you a hot dr today?......ah maybe I should explain (to the rest of the group), that relates to a txt conversation A and I had yesterday"
Which didn't explain anything!

I'll explain to you like I didn't to the rest of the zones in health care work currently are where COVID-19 patients are cared for, and where hot doctors and hot nurses things have changed.

Today I'm not a hot doctor.......

A Tune
Something new from Sea Sick Steve

Love and Peace - by Sea Sick Steve

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