Shades of Gray...
In another month, our Dark-eyed Juncos will be gone, headed north to breed and enjoy the summer. In preparation for the breeding season, they've started tuning up their songs, filling the air with a lovely soft trill. They usually forage on the ground, but this one obliged by perching on a branch against a stark background which seemed to suit him perfectly.
The days are kind of running together now as we trudge through the weeks (and probably months) of social distancing, uncertainty, and anxiety. New Jersey's Covid 19 cases continue to rise, over 3,000 cases in the last 24 hours. You can't help but worry ... what if? Hubs and I are rigidly following all the guidelines for social distancing which is really all we can do. Today, we went for a drive which was a nice diversion.
I'm spending time in the hide which always cheers me.
The big news of the day is that we finally got Hubs' 1970 Camaro back from the restoration shop this afternoon. It is now safely tucked in our garage. Some photos will be featured soon as it is a gorgeous piece of machinery, deserving of attention.
If you've not yet heard about the Blipfoto HeartsForHeroes challenge, please read about it HERE. I'm already working on some ideas...
Covid 19 Stats
Positive cases in NJ as of 2PM today - 16,636
Deaths in NJ - 198
Positive cases in Sussex County - 113 (3 deaths)
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