
ZAD15 - busy

Day 15 of enforced WaH, day 7 of lockdown. Bored now.

I promoted myself to working in the office this week, Himself can have the dining room table. I did feel a bit guilty as his job is much more operational than mine and he's dealing with a lot of the coal face decisions but not guilty enough to give up the comfy chair. Not today anyway.

S1 has defied the rules and gone to her mum's for a week. S2 has spent the last three days in her room and is now offloading to her dad about how different uni is to school. He's doing a brilliant job listening and she obviously needs to let it all out. She's missing her enormous social circle a lot.

The (private) golf course is getting quite busy with evening walkers. We'll have to find somewhere else to go soon.

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