Emz sketchbook

By Emz

Lockdown day 7

Firstly I didn't realise there were so many patterns on this photo! This is me sitting watching the Lion king on disney+ with a bowl of soup and a toastie!

I woke up not wanting to get out of bed and just wasn't in a good place. I still got myself up and did a workout video. It helped a little bit even though it was tough. My friend that does the workout videos said she felt down today and was crying on her run, so wasn't the only one. I've been trying to keep myself so busy this week that I think I just needed a day to do nothing and not feel bad. I think everyone is going to have up and down days (this whole situation plays with your emotions) and to just allow yourself to feel however you need to. Just something I have to work through today but tomorrow is another day.

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