Mossy elk antlers, a canoe, and other random items
I'd expect to see this collection where we used to live, not here. Not sure why! No one lives in this house permanently, so maybe someone has decided it would be a good place to self-isolate.
Our neighbours stopped by this morning with some clumps of chives for the garden. I was emailing friends and heard the gate open and shut as they left, so I yelled out the upstairs window at them. G went to the door, and we had a brief chat with them before they continued on their walk.
Some friends were working in their garden when we walked by. They came down to the fence and we had a chat and some laughs. Good to have some real-life contact with people! At a safe distance of course. We passed another walker on the road, and I said to her that I feel so lucky to be where we are. She agreed.
Extra: this little display of flowers in a driveway brought a smile to my face.
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