The broad beans are in, the empty pods
destined to go in the compost bin back up on the plot.
A quick visit to the Coop early this morning, 1 other customer, no fresh meat or fish, bar 2 packs of turkey mince. A pack of bread rolls & the paper then to the allotment. No rain forecast for the next week, so I very quickly watered the onions, garlic & broad beans plants. The wind was bitterly cold, my fingers numb .. I pulled some leeks, lifted a few wonky parsnips, & baby swede, grabbed some plastic pots & 2 trays of hebe cuttings, then back home.
Did a few jobs indoors until it warmed up outside, including washing all the plastic pots I brought back, then listing the packets of veg seeds I have, & when they need to be planted. These broad beans were hiding under the packets of seed. I'm surprised the mouse has'nt eaten them already. The runner bean seed I'll plant next month.
Lunch, then up to the greenhouse. Potted on the hebe cuttings, I mentioned a frame of some sort to protect the seedlings from the mouse/mice to hubby so he got some timber and between us managed to make a frame that I can fix netting over. Fingers crossed it's worked, I'll find out in the morning. It's not perfect. Hubby suggested I just invest in a mousetrap. :- ( It's quite a cute little mouse, well if it's the one that shoots out from between the pots the garden to nibble on the bread I put out for the birds. If the hardware store is open tomorrow I'll see if they have a humane one.
Chicken & veggie soup for dinner tonight using the veggies I grew on the plot .. It's very satisfying growing & eating homegrown produce I have to say.
Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday
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