Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Sweet Sentiment

Rich and I went shopping today at the local Co-Op; we got there early enough that we didn't have to queue to get in, but it was a weird experience once inside. We managed to get nearly everything we needed but very few of the other patrons were observing the 2m rule, and the staff were actually worse. At one point we passed 3 staff who were filling the freezers who seemed really annoyed that we were near to them, but made absolutely no effort to move so we could get to the stuff we needed. Still, we got it done and we were back home early enough that my brain couldn't comprehend that it wasn't the afternoon yet XD

We spotted this sign on the way to the store, and honestly I don't know what to make of it. On the one hand, I absolutely am all for people praising and thanking the NHS (like, all the time, but particularly now) and I fully understand how it makes both the people giving the thanks and the NHS staff receiving the thanks feel better. On the other hand, I really hope that once this has all blown over, that people put this love and effort into actually making change for the NHS, through campaigning, petitioning, and voting to get it funded and cared for. It made me so cross on Thursday to see the video of Boris Johnson clapping for NHS staff and carers, when he and his Conservative party pals have spent so much time breaking it apart, selling pieces off and underfunding what remains.

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