Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Social Isolation Day 14

Sunny morning, but a cold breeze when Arch and I walked round the block. He did his business sooner rather than later, so I didn’t have to bother going down to the Meadows (if only he realised). He got a big run later, when JR took him for her jog/walk (almost 10,000 steps). 

As my idea to get a cross trainer is proving difficult - either they're sold out, or there is a 'difficulty delivering' I’ve sort of given up for now. But as I blow-dried Archie after his bath (he'd rolled in something), I was looking at my bike, and realised that with a wee adjustment, I could actually stand up to pedal. Instant cross trainer! (sort of...) I gave it a wee go, but I’ll give it a proper go tomorrow. It's not quite as easy as a proper cross trainer, of course, and it could be slightly unstable... But I saved myself £124.

The second sofa cover was replaced this afternoon. We've been quietly putting it off, as it's quite a struggle workout. Then we both had our respective earbuds in and listened to stuff and only Archie dozed off.

The neighbour brought some milk, and that was the most exciting thing that happened today. It's going to be a long haul...

209 Covid-19 deaths today. Boris is going to send every household a letter, costing over £5million! I think he could do a TV slot, and spend that money on something more pressing. Like PPE and testing kits for the NHS.

Photo by JR

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