Cooriedog Walk 6 - Racing Pigeon Crossing

The Pastoral section of the walk is where the sky larks make themseves known.  It is a glorious sound.  I thought I saw one on a fence post this morning but it didn't hang around.  Soon they will be hovering up there, singing away - it will be much easier to hear them than to see them and I have been known to just stand there and take it all in.  It is always a good day when the skylarks sing.

At the end of the Pastoral section, the walk crosses over a small country road.  Cooriedog knows to wait before crossing and today she had picked up a small stick on her way.  In a normal year this is where the racing pigeon enthusiasts come with their coo-roo-ing baskets.  The baskets are left for a while to settle before they are opened and off the pigeons go, circling a little before heading off home.  Their journey back will be quicker.

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