Return to the North

By Viking

Pear blossom

Fingers crossed the pears grow to full maturity this year :-)

Went to Tesco’s the for the first time since the lockdown / panic buying and was impressed with their organisation and stock. Yes there were gaps (no flour of any kind to be had and only limited pasta) but in the whole was well stocked. The staff were limiting people going in and so was orderly and fair. There were no queues anywhere. I spent a bloody fortune! Although in fairness the bulk of the cost was in weed killer and ‘big items’. As I got back into the car I noted to my sister that I was NOT going shopping for a month!
I’ve also done an Amazon shop for a number of garden ‘things’ to ready myself for the veg growing season. Things like bamboo canes and netting (in the vain hope I keep the fricking butterflies off the brassicas this year!)

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