It Doesn't Rain it Pours....

....That seems to be the rub living in the sub tropics.....when the sky opens it opens WIDE!
There is also a buzz about flooding and torrents of rushing large bodies of water....lets see.

We all got a bit of cabin fever this afternoon so went for a drive....the good thing about it being muggy and warm it doesn't really matter much about getting wet...except for my poor camera and my lovely leather shoes Duh!

After all the lovely comments from yesterday...(thank you all so much) and the new and creative juggling of time mixed with a blob of renewed passion I opened my eyes to the beauty of the wet landscape.

Thus resulting in so many images to choose from it was ridiculous......feast or famine as I know most of you also have experienced on more than one occasion.

The Swamp is extremely happy and teeming with birdlife...however I chose this because it had a couple of my favorite elements in it....Flynn being one and the other this is one of my favorite spots on the beach/river and looked rather lovely with no people about.

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