Lent 2020 day 32

’And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.’ (Micah 6:8)

A meditation written by Rachael Adams:

“Come Holy Spirit.
Come into my heart. Open the windows of my soul. Awaken me afresh to the world around me; to both its loveliness and its brokenness.

[Pause for a moment. Lament to God over issues that are breaking your heart. Lay them at the feet of the Father.]

Come Holy Spirit.
Let me partner with you to bring about transformation and justice where I am now.
Show me how you want to use the skills you have given me to show others how much you love them.

[Wait on God and listen to what he says. Make a note of any words or pictures he has for you.]

Come Holy Spirit.
Help me to be an instrument of your will.
Grant me boldness and courage
to bring your holy light into the darkest of places,
let these acts of kindness I carry out point only to you God, to your glory,
and let them help the world to wake up and embrace your extravagant love.

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