It was so lovely to go out for my walk this morning in the sunshine. The last few days have been very driech. As soon as we got home Ann stripped off put on a skirt and Tshirt and went out onto the balcony for breakfast. And stayed there reading trashy magazines for the next couple of  hours. Then it clouded over and she had to come in, put her trousers & sweater back on and put the heating on because it was so cold?!!

By then it was 11am and as Ann hadn't done her daily workout she decided she wouldn't bother..................... She always does the '7 min a day for a week workout' as a warm-up. She's done it for a week now and it hasn't achieved what it said it would; which was reduce her waist measurement by 1-2 inches. No doubt that's another part of our daily routine that is going to be abandoned.

I'm so jealous when Ann shows me the FB photos of all my little doggie friends who live in rural locations still enjoying their off lead walks. Ann's become a bit paranoid about letting me off my lead. She's become a bit paranoid about a lot of things?! I go out for a couple of hours in the afternoon but she doesn't let me off my lead and I just have to trek around the streets. It still makes me tired though. The trouble is; all the Edinburgh parks & open spaces are full of people who seem to have taken up jogging in the last week. And now that there's all these 'new rules' in place for dog walking, she feels she should abide by them.

Anyway........................ back in the human world........................... Is any other human panicking that they're ill? Today Ann wondered if she had a sore throat? And then her neck hurt so she wondered if she was getting the start of flu or Coronavirus? And then her hand hurt. And then her foot hurt.

…..............And now she's had two glasses of wine so nothing is hurting....................... And she's just about to cook the last of her frozen IKEA meatballs for dinner (that she bought about a month ago). They will be served up with oven chips and tinned sweetcorn.

….................And tomorrow she is off to do a big shop at either M&S or Waitrose (whichever one has the shortest queue), because those are our nearest shops. She will be joining the queue at 10am because obviously she will need to add a couple of bottles of wine into her basket. For all of our English friends – in Scotland you can only buy alcohol between the hours of 10am-10pm.

#staysafe #stayhappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever

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