Essential Shopping

This early morning haul may not quite be what Boris and co consider constitutes essential shopping, but this Lady does. Unfortunately too early to add the bottle of wine, but that is actually poetic licence since I have a bottle in the fridge as well as my Edinburgh Gin, so there was no need for a purchase.

Lest you think my diet is somewhat lacking in all things healthy, I can assure you I have a pot of vegetable soup so thick that a wooden spoon, inserted ,stays vertical for several minutes and also a casserole dish of vegetable and quorn stew sitting in the fridge for mealtimes.

I woke up to a lovely sunny morning which was a nice surprise. I even had my elevenses sitting outside in the sun. However just as I had finished reading 6 pages of Covid19 news (it does make a change from Brexit......where has it gone?), the sun disappeared and the temperature fell ominously. So rapid was the fall that by the time I went out for my 1 hour’s exercise after lunch it felt Baltic and the wind brought in flurries of hail.

Tonight Porty daughter is arranging a family meeting on Zoom. Now this is a new one on me, but I’ve downloaded the app and with any luck I will manage to navigate my way into the virtual meeting with my offspring who at this moment are scattered far and wide over the UK.

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