This layout of planters and paving stones represents the approximate footprint of the raised bed I'm going to put in the small side garden. Initially I want to use it for wild flowers for photography. I need to mark it out properly next and clear and level the ground.
As well as the data about the CV crisis I'm recording, I would also like to hear from you on a question every week. So today, what are you now doing that you think you'll carry on doing after we beat CV and what will you be glad to stop doing? For me, although I've always washed my hands properly (drilled into you on cruise ships), I will carry on with a new procedure of washing my hands as soon as I come in the house. I'll be very glad to stop wiping down grocery shopping before putting it away!
Day 13 / Day 5 of Lockdown (for my record only)
UK deaths up 260 to 1,019 (so far a 50% survival rate when in intensive care); Italy up 889 to 10,023 and Spain up 832 to 5690. Death toll in Germany low compared to the number infected, thought to be largely due to the amount of testing undertaken. Trump considers quarantining 21m people in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. A huge movement of people out of Delhi despite a lockdown could prove catastrophic. 600,000 confirmed CV cases Worldwide with over 20,000 deaths in Europe. Transport services resume in Wuhan.
The daily briefing focused on business support, specifically for Companies in trouble via improving the insolvency system to keep companies trading after restructuring so they can still get hold of supplies / raw materials. Some legal changes enabling AGMs to be postoned, held on-line or by phone; and over product testing to enable rapid expansion of the production of hand sanitisers by other companies. 4 million businesses have requested extensions to filing their accounts. Workers key to coping during the crisis to be allowed to carry forward annual leave not taken for up to 2 years. More PPE again promised and testing of front line staff starting. Another field hospital to be built in Cardiff. Scottish Secretary tests positive for CV.
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