Snow dump

In brief:
Drive home in blizzard which came from nowhere (the sky, obviously).
Am unsurprised by the general numptiness of people who seem to drive in their own personal microclimate where the road conditions are not rendered hazardous by blizzard, snow on the road and suchlike - apparently 'safe braking distance' is not a concept held in high esteem by some road users.

Mid evening, snow turned to rain. James happy as it meant that Manchester trip was definitely on the horizon for tomorrow.

9pm - the snow returned - with bloody bells on it. 2 inches in about an hour.

So we went out for a walk. I took lots of photos and played around with flash and aperture priority. INteresting. James and Corin threw snowballs and generally behaved like boys of 12 and 36 would do.

Upon returning, I had a Spanish measure of Jamesons. Am now slightly squiffed. No painkillers for me tonight.

More time outside in the snow, which is still falling. Corin has made a snow arch. Now, soak in the bath and sleep.

We will see whether tomorrow brings a manchester trip, although the current message on the national rail site says partial bus journey and I am NOT doing that.

Epic night - thank you to my boys.

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