Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Friday — Max, We Love You

Max dog left with the angels this morning about 11:30. He was very weak, but he just couldn’t get to the “Finish Line” on his own. I told him the angels were going to take him and he’d have eyes that would see again and he would no longer have liver disease.

Two female veterinarians, Dr. Katrina and Dr. Rebecca of Compassionate Hands, came to our Cayucos place from Paseo Robles; they were very comforting and explained the entire procedure to us.

Before the doctors arrived, they told us by phone that they would not shake our hands or hug us, which they normally would do and is part of their usual practice, but not now with this China-Virus pandemic. So, Mr. Fun had carried Max downstairs to his bed in the car and we covered his frail little body with his Mickey Mouse blanket.. He loved the car and going for rides, even after he was blind, he would stand on his hind legs and “look” out the car window as we traveled. This morning in the car, Max was very relaxed. I rubbed his back and head and told him a zillion times that I loved him. The doctors met Max there at the car.

We had left the two girl pups upstairs in their crates.

The two doctors were caring and conversed with us for a long time. They listened as we shared stories of Max. They were very comforting. The past two weeks as we knew Max was failing, we phoned several veterinarian offices and felt bewildered about what to do, especially because of this China-Virus scare. Then we were told about “Compassionate Hands.” After the procedure, the doctors wrapped Max in a soft blanket, and his little body rode on one doctor’s lap when they left.

Max is gone. Our hearts are hurting, but our minds are relieved — Max is no longer weak or sick. We are going to try to celebrate that Max lived, more than we mourn that he is dead.

Thanks for all your well-wishes and prayers for us. We are hurting and the hurt comes in huge waves.

From California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe & Mitzi)
aka Carol

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