The Color Purple

I was really looking forward to Zoom Knitting this morning, and it was good to see everyone’s faces, but the format is very disturbing to me. The sound is difficult even without overlapping voice freezes, and I’m not good at looking at those multiple boxes. We had eleven people, which is two more than the iPad can handle on one screen, so you had to swipe in order to see Person Ten, thereby losing two other people. Oh, I know, it’s better than nothing, and it’s what we have. And it’s a miracle really that people all over the place can use this to connect. It just doesn’t work very well for me. I find the format very stressful. I don’t like screens, even tv. But the real problem for me this morning was the sobering and depressing conversation. Or maybe I couldnt handle it because I was tired. At any rate, I left the group early. It was just too much—the hospitals preparing to be inundated, the shortage of equipment, the terror of developing a non-covid condition that would go untreated for lack of space and personnel. I found some solace in the garden, and in having tea and shortbread for a mid-afternoon treat. Nothing like a couple hours in the dirt. And nothing like a good cookie. 

Day Twelve

I think I’m going to get awfully tired of counting these days. 

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