Mother Nature's bounty!

I have also backblipped yesterday's Blocked Exit! ...... hope you will have a look .... thanks to those who already have :-)

Couldn't resist posting this Magnolia with the flowers just beginning to open .... such a pretty cheering sight! The tree is in a nearby garden ...... so nipped out while there was nobody around ..... hope you like it :-)

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting :-)

Spoke to Younger Son earlier ..... he is very happy with life at the moment .... the store he manages is shut & he is 'on holiday' on full pay! Okay for some!

Less happy is the news that Eldest Son & family have gone into lockdown ...... my youngest granddaughter is showing C-19 symptoms ..... they also have my D-in-L's brother & child living with them at the moment ..... which makes 4 asthmatics in the house! Fingers crossed things go well for them!

My niece (one of the many) has also been in isolation for several days as she probably has the virus. She is starting to feel a bit better now thankfully!

Hope you all have a Tigger-tastic weekend :-)

Stay indoors & stay safe!

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