
On this day last year I was in Carlisle and heading for the Bookshop and the Hairdresser (remember when we could browse in bookshops and go to the hairdresser - seems like a lifetime ago). I was trying to replicate the view from a 1899 postcard and was looking at things that had changed. If I had been there today I would have taken another, and very  different, photo, a photo of . . . quiet. Today in the local paper are photos of Carlisle city centre - totally deserted - no people, no vehicles, just quiet. 

Here is a photo taken this afternoon in our village. Now our village is usually fairly quiet, but today it was silent. No vehicles passing me, no people wandering about. And most amazingly no cars, apart from a few local ones, parked on the roadside. I have never seen this before. The Parish Council spend an awful lot of time discussing how to stop people damaging the green by double parking, today there wasn't even single parking. And I had just walked past the car park, which on a sunny Friday afternoon would normally be full. It is closed with barriers. So no walkers this weekend. 

I like quiet, but this is eerie. 

Stay Home - Day 4

Yesterday evening the village book group had the normal meeting at the normal time, but we did it via Zoom. And very successful it was too. After a few teething problems, which we sorted out between us with much laughter, we managed to have nine people taking part (more than we usually get to live meetings, as of course no one is away!). A great discussion and chat. I was impressed. 

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