A Richt Guid Birl

Here's the 3 performers Katie, Malcolm and Gordon at the school Burns Day Assembly.

They all performed and they all did wonderfully well. Katie sang "Ally Bally Bee," Malcolm recited "To a Haggis," and Gordon did a brilliant "The Sair Finger" - see below. Duncan was there to watch since he was off sick!

Then it was dancing for the P1-2 and P3-4 classes, everyone clapping along and having a Richt Guid Birl!

All fabulously happy and un-self-conscious.

Big Birl.

And, of course, we had haggis, neeps and tatties for dinner. We all ate far too much :)

Here's Gordon's poem. Lovely and great fun! It's a kind, practical, caring poem with a wee brother at the end needing the same attention. All so true to life ;)

The Sair Finger

You've hurt your finger? Puir wee man!
Your pinkie? Deary me!
Noo, juist you haud it that wey till
I get my specs and see!

My, so it is - and there's the skelf!
Noo, dinna greet nae mair.
See there - my needle's gotten't out!
I'm sure that wasna sair?

And noo, to make it hale the morn,
Put on a wee bit saw,
And tie a Bonnie hankie roun't
Noo, there na - rin awa'!

Your finger sair ana'? Ye rogue,
You're only lettin' on.
Weel, weel, then - see noo, there ye are,
Row'd up the same as John!

Walter Wingate

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