Poinsettia ....

..... Shedding leaves!!
I'm posting this as I was asked for advise last night ! ( I'm not sure I was any help , I'm NOT a gardener) however you know who you are . Still looks good but everyday I'm collecting dead and fallen leaves, so I'm sure it needs a well earned rest now. We will see if I can get it back by Christmas ( ooh - a the C word already??) .
I was up showered and dressed by 7am did some ironing then a short exercise regime then breakfast , a few texts , a phone call having a coffee now then I'll finish the ironing .! Oh what a day hey lol.
Do hope you can all enjoy the day as the weather is still good.
Will maybe have a face time with KJD tonight , we did last night and it was good to see the Rev too.
I did my bit re the appreciation of ALL the care workers and NHS staff last night with my bedroom window open , so surprised to see windows open and everyone making a noise with some fireworks let off too. How amazing people are in a crisis. I take my "hat off " to you all and a big big THANK YOU . Have just been speaking to C friend ( & mine ) who finished chemo last year and it still working at the check out in Sainsbury's ( she had taken advise ) but how gallant is that. She has been soo ill but with advise she is helping others .
There's no doubt about it our country will alter completely , and whatever your political view , the government has an awful job to do, so I thank them too and hope help will soon be available to all in dire need.
Keep well everyone .

Grateful .... for another day of sunshine and hope.

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