
Didn't get out for a walk today, Mr S had to drop some parts off in Zürich close by my office, so I took the opportunity to change my broken monitor with a colleagues working one, off his desk. I just did a straight swap and haven't told him!! He won't be coming in for a long time I imagine anyway. Maybe one day I'll come clean. There are still about 4 people who live in Zurich going into the office, they all walk or come by bike and have their own separate offices.
I managed to record my powerpoint presentation on "Rare Earths, the Minerals of Modern Industry" today. It's great, you can record yourself speaking for each slide, then very easily rerecord any slide that didn't sound good. It's so weird listening to yourself again and again, and I'm really shocked that I have such a strong northern accent!
This is the kitten from next door. I'm not surprised he's sat on our deck, as soon as I walk out of the back door, I can hear the shouting. With 4 kids at home and a big dog that doesn't seem to get exercised. It is a tiny house, and I hear arguments and shouting the whole time anyway, it puts me off being in the back garden. I long for my lovely old neighbors who kept the garden perfect, and were always so happy and joyful and chatty.
Anyway, I have lovely neighbors on all other sides, so am grateful. 

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