Clark Tales

By cclark

Day 3 of lockdown

Another day looking hanging in Leeds with glorious weather. Life is of course no longer normal but it kind of just feels like this is life at Jenny and Ash's house. I know its not, usually we'd be eating out and visiting museums or whatever; but as we have been down here for a week, even before lockdown this sort of just feels like it is how they do things here. I think my brain thinks because Jenny is pregnant and due any day we're staying close to the house for that reason...

Today was a more chill day than others. We got up, LB finished the child friendly soap. Kiera is used to the pump action bottles and we have one full one left. So, amazing Auntie LB made some that we could refill the bottles with while Kiera did science. After breakfast Jenny went to the hospital for her 2nd check up. Again she had to go alone but Ash dropped her off. Kiera played for a bit before we watched some pixar shots.  Then it was outside playing (Kiera and Dad) before the Blair Drummond live stream which we all loved. 

Jenny came home, mixed news, blood pressure up and down and she is to go back , again alone, to see the consultant on Saturday morning. 

The weather again was fabulous. So we spent much of the rest of the afternoon out in the garden... trying to teach Kiera how to use her new skipping rope...instead Jenny and I made LB do all then jumping.

Cinderella in the afternoon (Disney plus really did launch at the right time) and Kiera and I did 2 X Joe Wicks mini work out videos. She really loves it.

Dinner was spinach pizza bases tonight. We got Kiera ready for bed to let Mum and Dad eat before we used our time to go for a sunset walk. The sky was amazing and clear. Finally a sign up at the park. I know it is really, really hard if you have kids to walk past this with them. We have. We have explained to Kiera about the virus and that it's closed.

We went for a short walk and managed to grab bread and Gaviscon (for Jenny's ever ongoing heartburn) at the local shop! Little miracles. Back home and Kiera is asleep. Good giggle with Jenny and Ash trying to think of baby names before bed!

As I write this it's about 5am... Friday. Jenny's in labour!!

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