I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Copy Book

Sorry Damnonii but you have just been copied, and I had to dig out my Burns book to read.
This was my Papas book who, in his day was a Burns fan. He was a well known McGonagle speaker too and if I can did it out, I have some old photos of him in full flow. He had a good collection of Burns books, which have been lost over the years as he wanted to spread his love for Burns and would lend them out with his notes and never get them back!

The book is dedicated to George Maine, and quotes:
A man cannot be measured by th colour of his skin, or by his speech, or by his clothes and jewels, but only by his heart.
from SINUHE THE EGYPTIAN by Mika Waltari

The two other books have a bit of family history too. I have blipped the plate of one before.This was my Grans prize for Sunday school attendance.
The other book was my Mums when she was wee, you can't beat a classic!

Its our Burns night tomorrow night, A gathering of friends who enjoy each others company and a good time is had by all.
Burn's prose can be timeless, and I'll leave you with an example that can be applied to most folks wallet these days....

Lines written on a Bank Note.
Wae worth thy power, thou cursed leaf,
fell source of a' my woe and grief,
For lack o' thee I've lost a lass,
For lack o' thee I scrimp my glass!
I see the children of affliction
Unaided, through curs'd restriction.
I've seen the oppressor's cruel smile
Amid his hapless victims'spoil;
And for the potence vainly wish'd
To crush the villain in the dust.
For lack o' thee I leave this much-lov'd shore,
Never, perhaps, to greet old Scotland more.

Night folks, enjoy your weekend!

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