A MIMent In Time

By justmim


Well it has been a good day :)

Nevertheless, with an early start tomorrow, bed is much needed!

Off to work today for my first support shift of the new year...takes a bit of getting back into! As I was travelling from my flat rather than uni today I had a slightly different bus pattern, which probably would have been fine had I paid proper attention to journey planner/wasn't daydreaming on the bus! So I missed the already not very frequently running bus and started my shift with a mad dash to get to the school for pick-up on time...never a good start! Even so it was a lovely wee shift and thanks to the other member of staff I was on with I didn't get stranded in snowy Midlothian after!

Then straight to Rainbows (well...as straight as the number 33 would allow...now there's a long bus journey!) which was a bundle of fun :) Each and every little girl was in a fun, giggly mood and smiles all round...difficult to ever be grumpy with that little lot! I think whatever kind of day (or week) I have, Rainbows always leaves me with a smile.

Keeping in with the Rainbows theme tomorrow I am off to watch one such little girl and her brother while their mum (fellow Rainbow leader) and dad go to a conference. Genuinely looking forward to it, but I think perhaps some sleep is in order first!

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