Swimmers' Log Book


Writer of the Week!

I actually thought about my blip at lunchtime today and had a pic lined up of a colleague and her multiple layers to help her cope with supervising Reception's outdoor area, however I just had to blip my li'l H with her trophy! Luckily Fridays are my day to pick Heidi up so I was there to witness the proud, beaming face as she rushed over with her award.

Good day all round really. Got lots done at school, and really enjoyed my two swimming teaching sessions. No marking but some planning and reading to do this weekend. Plus a science experiment to sort out, which is all good. Topped off with a Friday eve hot choc at the pool, a good old natter with friends, and then chip-shop-chips with sausage, egg and beans.

(Which, following a couple of recent discussions, prompted me to google "Does anyone else hate baked beans mixing with other foods on their plate?" It would appear I'm not alone and particularly intriguing was the consensus on foods that the beans can't touch - egg and ketchup - my sentiments exactly. I've had this issue for as long as I can remember. I even recall Dad serving my fry-up on a huge serving platter one Sunday- with the beans at one end and the egg at the other - when I was a teen. Strange or normal?)

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