Gloria's journal

By Gloriapatricia

Weekly Shopping Trip

I must say how impressed with Morrison's for my shopping. Very well organised, no queues to go in, exit queues spaced out well and supervised by staff. Items on shelves that weren't there last week e.g. toilet rolls. Different items not available e.g. carrots! So you get them when you can. We also went to our surgery to pick up our meds and that was quick and efficient. Then onto the vets to pick up flea and worming medication for the cats. Everything working really well round here.

Clapping our thanks for the NHS staff tonight was lovely. We are on the edge of our village. There are just three other houses close to ours. So I wasn't sure if any of them would be out. But the neighbours from 2 of the houses were there clapping and shouting so it was good fun. We could hear the more populated part of the village making a really big noise....well deserved NHS!

Blip is of items I couldn't get last week.

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