
By Cumbrialass

From a distance

This reminds me of Bette Midler's song. From a distance

Blip is Barrow viewed across the marsh and Walney Channel.  

The walk starts just up from our house and the obvious way to walk.. away from the streets. Another beautiful warm day, which brought out a lot of people who would normally never walk that way! 
Most observed the 2 metre gap ... quite a few groups of 2+ on cycles.

But generally not too busy and we were able to stop at "the seat' which is actually a stile but a good spot to sit and relax and feel the sun on our faces

Back home and I went round to the Coop which was quite sobering as theyd no vegetables or fruit apart from some  punnets of grapes. No milk or bread either. How did our grandparents cope during the war?

Back home to M who has been remarkable cheerful and happy. He is naturally optimistic,  which helps rebalance how I've felt. 

Tonight at 8 pm I went out to clap for the NHS ( but also for everyone in  all the supermarkets and food stores and all the drivers who are working hard to make a delivery..  I thank you too). Others joined in and then a ship in the harbour sounded a hooter and everyone cheered and just for a moment I sobbed.  

I'm not sure how to put a link to the Bette Midler song
Heres a few of the lyrics

From a distance there is harmony 
And it echoes through the land 
It's the voice of hope 
It's the voice of peace
It's the voice of every man

Take care everyone 
Stay safe 

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