
By Sonset25

Lockdown - Day 3

Another fabulous morning.  Went to see wholefood warehouse Daily Bread. A bit of a misnomer as it doesn't really live up to its name. Managed to get some items but no eggs.
Decided to sort one pair of kitchen cupboards. Turfed out the expired items. Rearranged shelves to easily locate items.  These are now dedicated to baking: flour, sugar raising agents, flavouring.
Next cupboard to tackle is the one with rice, pasta, pulses, herbs & spices and condiments. 
Had 6-way live chat with former colleagues on Messenger.
Took hound for late afternoon walk and encountered fellow dog walker. Kept distance while walking. 
Blip taken on return home. This hedge sprouts red leaves at the top. The late afternoon sun was bringing out warmth despite temperature dropping.

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