Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Book Club

I set up a NMB Facebook and WhatsApp group last night so today my phone didn’t stop pinging all day/night as people were joining and getting involved. It’s nice to feel even better connected now though.

I worked this morning and then headed out for my run in the mist this afternoon - it was quite eerie - it felt like there really could have been a zombie apocalypse.

The chancellor finally announced an aid package for us self employed folks who have lost our incomes that is comparable with that offered to employed people, only snag is we won’t get any money at all until June, although it will be backdated for the 3-month period.

This evening we had bookclub via video chat which worked pretty well, so nice to catch up regardless of the ‘how’.

Tonight I heard that there is a slight improvement with Paul and they’re gradually going to reduce the oxygen - everything crossed he pulls through this one.

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