Allocated Daily Exercise

It's been a beautiful sunny day, fairly calm too.  There was a shower at 1pm, soon passed.  Clear still night, stars out too.

Up early, and headed to work in the living room.  It wasn't long before I gave up, headed out with washing, and did a bit of gardening.  Headed down to mam's with errands in the afternoon, and then popped a birthday card and cake along sister Laura.  Horrible not being able to spend time with her.  Working late in the living room tonight.  With the clear still night, I headed out at 8pm.  There was a fantastic roar of clapping and cheering over Scalloway, as the nation joined together for our NHS.  We are super proud of you, and everyone other essential worker keeping us going. 

I used mam's errand run as a good excuse for some fresh air and a walk with Sammy.  Knowing there would be no one around, and folk we did meet were at a great distance.  Looking to the old houses of Brake, Aithsetter, Cunningsburgh.  

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