It's approximately 6' in length
& kept inside a redundant plastic Ferrero Rocher container. I came across it 10 minutes after pegging my laundry out on the line when we were living in Thailand, thank goodness I was'nt there 5 minutes earlier. It's the shedded skin of an Indonesian rat snake. Not dangerous, apparently. Still glad I did'nt meet it when it was alive. I've given it the Picasa treatment.
I did'nt see a soul when I went to the supermarket at 7.15am, I was the only customer. At last people are taking heed. Back home made a quick flask of coffee & on the allotment by 8am. No one there either when I arrived ............. bliss! So peaceful. Got a lot done again today. One more day turning ground, & weeding around the fruit, then it will just be pottering jobs. 5 or 6 other peeps on their plots today. Everyone just getting on with the preparation for the season ahead, all going well. Glorious sunshine until the sun rose in the sky and behind the huge oak tree on the boundary hedge, then it go quite chilly, otherwise short sleeved tee shirt all day. How wonderful for March. I headed home at 3.30.
Rang Mum this evening, just after 8pm. She asked if I'd been standing outside clapping at 8pm in appreciation of the thousands of individuals working to keep the country going. She had, I was't aware of it.
Film on itv2 now 'Contagion', .. scientists try to stop a deadly virus that is sweeping the world, originating from China. Sound familiar.
Stay safe blippers x
Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Abstract Thursday
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