I took the day off work today and my treat for the day was to spend time at the allotment in the sunshine. I managed to finish weeding my original plot and put down some manure. I also dug the earth around the two gooseberry bushes that were previously hidden under a huge bramble thicket. I pruned them in the winter and they are now showing plenty of leaves.
Unexpectedly I was offered another plot - one which lies directly behind my original plot. The man who currently has it is in his 80s and thinks this will be his last season. He has had a plot on the site for the last 46 years! A year ago I would have jumped at the chance to have his plot but having taken on a second plot last September, I didn't think I should take on another!
I returned home for lunch with more rhubarb, leeks, spinach, Swiss chard and some mint (which has just started to grow again). I think the chard and spinach will start to go to seed in a month or so but I have some new seeds to sow so hopefully a continuing supply will be available.
Wishing you well and hoping your day has been a good one.
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