Cooriedog walk 3 - Freedom Gate

The next stage of the Cooriedog walk is reached by crossing the road - sometimes we have to pause to let traffic pass and Cooriedog sits patiently.  There is little traffic these days.
After we go through the gate, Cooriedog is unleashed, is set free and off she goes.  We go up the gentle slope in front of us and gradually any noise of the road is replaced by birdsong - chaffinches, blackbirds and thrushes - and through their chattering we enter another world.  Although the walk started way back for Cooriedog, this is where it starts for me.  At the top of the slope, we are out of the village and in the country.
On the right is "John's Shed".  Apart from the steel framework, it was built by our neighbour, John who put in every roof panel, concrete block, brick, electrical switch and tap.  John is a retired builder and his shed is quite an accomplishment.  Inside there are vehicles, a caravan, a mezzanine floor, a car hoist, a shower room .... John uses it for the odd job from time to time.  He spends a lot of time up there because that's what you do with a shed.

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