Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Roy running towards me...

...but then he managed to runaway again...
More washing for me, more gardening for Roy, then we went out for our walk/run a little later than normal. Decided to avoid "our" reservoir, as there are more people around than usual, so we headed along the main road to Scout Dyke, cut the corner then came back along the paved path and across the fields. Saw 5 people on the way. 

One of them was the person who co-ordinates village activities and the village FB page - she was upset as some people had a thread running which sought to keep people out of the village via signs and even road blockages, which to me smacked very much of Royston Vasey - local walks for local people... I think we all need to check our privilege before we start contemplating this sort of action - especially as all of us in the village have to hop in our cars and go elsewhere to shop!
Stricter rules now allow the police to intervene if they believe people are flouting the new guidelines, and I think we should leave it to them to do so, and support them if necessary... not set up vigilante groups!

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