The story so far...



Cam is trying to defy all authority at the moment. It is his way or a full on temper tantrum.
He started the day by stealing mummy's cheese on toast after he had had his full breakfast and bottle and when he finished the bit mummy had given him and he realised there was none left he went in to screaming mode, banging his arms and legs on the floor and crying for nearly an hour. Mummy sat back and let the drama unfold until he gave up and played with his toys, next time I will get popcorn!
We went to a catch up swimming lesson this afternoon which cam seemed to really enjoy and when we got home daddy and cam played on the iPad for a while. It is not something mummy wants to actively encourage him to play with but he did seem to enjoy and it kept him quiet for a while. Maybe it could be our new secret weapon?!

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